Anyone can get a membership at any age.
Annual Memberships
Adult (Ages 21 & older) – $30
Youth (Ages 20 & under) – $10
WIN (Women In NAACP) Membership – $10 (only available to active members)
Prison Membership – $12.00
Lifetime Memberships
Junior Life (Ages 13 & under. Payable in annual installments of $25 or more) – Total $100
Bronze Life (Ages 14-20 Payable in annual installments of $80 or more) – Total $400
Silver Life (Payable in annual installments of $75 or more) – Total $750
Gold Life (Payable in annual installments of $150 or more) – Total $1,500 Only available to Fully Paid Silver Members
Diamond Life (Payable in installments of $250 or more) – Total amount $2,500 (Only available to Fully paid Gold Members)
*Corporate Membership
In most cases, your membership will expire within one year of the date of purchase, unless payment was received for a two-year membership. If you are a life member, once fully paid never expires.
A membership renewal notice will be sent 30 prior to your expiration date. If you do not get a renewal notice, please contact your local NAACP office at
The local unit in Winston-Salem, NC is Branch #5471. The address is 4130 Oak Ridge Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27105. You can also send an email to
Branch #5471 in Winston-Salem has membership meetings monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 7pm.
View the NAACP Constitution here.